Food and fitness is just a small portion of what makes up true health and wellness.

Food and fitness is just a small portion of what makes up true health and wellness. 

After all of my training to become a holistic health coach, I learned that food and fitness is just a fraction of what creates true health and wellness. 

But living in Italy has just been one big example of what reality this actually is. 

For the longest time I was terrified of gaining day, not being skinny, gaining weight at all. 

So much so that I stopped living my life. I stopped doing things I loved like going out in college with my friends, eating foods that brought me joy because they weren’t “healthy”, doing anything I thought might possibly make me gain weight. 

And you know what? I was never satisfied. No perfect body, lower body fat, or photo of myself would ever satisfy me. No matter how thin or fit I became.

And it’s because there was always such a major piece of my health and wellness missing that I never acknowledged. 

And that’s joy, fulfillment, and spirituality. 

You cannot be truly healthy or well without ever feeling joy, gratitude, alignment, or fulfillment. 

If these aren’t your prevailing feelings about your life, you can’t truly be well. 

You know the tik tok trend you can’t have this (good workouts, healthy food, strong body) without this (drinks/dinners out with friends, a good sleep in, dessert every now and then)? 

Well it is absolutely true and cornerstone to the healthiest version of you.

Until we allow ourselves to be balanced and well rounded in our health and wellness, we’ll never truly feel satisfied. 

I feel so grateful and blessed to have experienced the travels that we have while living in Italy. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by pasta and pizza, gelato, and wine at every corner because experiences are part of my own personal joy. 

I want to live a life of adventure, fulfillment, experience new cultures, indulge in things I haven’t ever indulged in before. 

THAT makes my life worth living. 

Yes, of course I have fitness goals. I love working out, I adore eating healthy and I always will. 

But I never again will allow those things to hold me back from LIFE. 

From a fulfilling, adventurous, experience filled life. 

There will be seasons that include a little more veggies and movement, and season that include a little more travel and new food. And that is what being truly well is all about.

Those specific things like travel, new foods, drinks with friends might look a little different for you. But I hope you acknowledge what they are, and be sure to allow yourself to fully indulge in them every now and then. I hope you learn to love the art of a balanced lifestyle. 

I hope you learn and acknowledge that having the dream body or wellness routine doesn’t matter at all if it doesn’t allow you to really experience this one precious life we get to live. 🤍

Because that’s the point of health, wellness, and fitness right? To live our most abundant and fulfilling lives.


Northeast Sardinia, Italy Travel Guide


I’m committing to quit trying to rush through life - want to join me?