Episode 60: Dr. Meaghan On The Four Main Causes of Marriage Failure And What To Do About Them
Doctor Meaghan is back this week to talk about all things marriage and relationships. As a marriage therapist she is well versed in this area. We dive into the four main causes of marriage failure, what each of those looks like in detail, and what to do about them. For a more detailed look into the episode here is a minute by minute breakdown of the show:
1 - 4 Our peaks and pits of the week.
4 - 7 What are the most common causes of relationship failure? Financial problems, division of labor, sex, fighting about the content of conversations rather than fighting about how we are communicating.
7 - 15 Dealing with issues regarding finances.
15 - 26 Division of labor and dealing with resentment/keeping score in a marriage. Love languages.
26 - 39 Differences with sex. Womenโs mental chatter. Opening the cracks for misalignment in your relationship. Keeping sex alive during deployments or long distance.
39 - 49 What does good communication look like? The how instead of the content. Taking ownership. Big feelings.
49 - Look out for part two next week! Value of the week