Episode 29: Q & A and Unpopular Marriage Opinions


We are on another level in this episode, P.S. so sorry for the hitting of the microphone from us moving and being too animated during this episode! This week Tyler joins us again to go through 10 of our unpopular marriage opinions. It's the episode where it takes them too long to get on the same page of what the opinion actually is, and you will surely be laughing along the way. We end it with a question and answer session answering a few questions we got over Instagram. Can't wait for you to listen! For a more detailed look into the episode here is a minute by minute breakdown of the show:

1 -  4 Quick rant about Korean animals. 
4 -  10 Peak and pit of the week. 
10 - 55 Our unpopular opinions about marriage. 
55 - 1:08 Q & A! 
How do you navigate the beginning of a long distance relationship where one person is very busy? 
Is it normal to get so annoyed with your spouse that you second guess it? 
How do you make time for FaceTime calls in drastically different time zones? 
Whatโ€™s your favorite trip since moving to South Korea? 

1:08 -  1:12 Value of the week - Taming Your Gremlin. Write down your to do lists instead of relying on your phone. 

Taming Your Gremlin 
Long distance episode
Friendship with Sydney Sill Smidt

Click here to listen


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Episode 30: Summer Bucket List During Long Distance + Solo Chat Life Updates


Episode 28: 5 Things We Wish We Know Before Marriage And Moving In Together