Christmas Cookies I want to try

P.S. click here to see what each of the cookies below looks like! *missing the cashew cookies

Okay here’s the thing my friends. I have a solid top 10 favorite Christmas cookie list from my childhood including everything from butterscotch haystacks, to thumbprints, to shortbread pecan bites, and absolutely everything in between, definitely not forgetting my Grandma’s sugar cookies - the absolute best. And I love them with my whole entire heart. But, I also love to eat. And like, who really wants to eat just one cookie? I mean maybe some people, but those are not my people, you know what I mean? 

I can’t just have one, I have to have two or three! How does my beautiful stomach feel after 2-3 regular old fashioned sugar and processed everything cookies feel? Atrocious. Not great. As if it is so incredibly mad at me. I also breakout from sugar in an absolute mili-second. But anywho, enough about me. 

The reason I love “heatlhified” cookies, or “healthified” anything for that matter, is because I love the feeling of knowing that I’m treating my body in a healthy and nourishing way. I love feeling good in my workouts, sleeping well, feeling mentally clear and alert, and all of the other beautiful things that leading a healthy lifestyle brings. 

But like I said, I love to eat. 

Enter - healthified Christmas cookies for me and my friends who feel the same way as me. 

When I say “healthified” I mean using quality ingredients my body can fully use. This means natural, limited ingredients, preferably whole food and naturally occurring ingredients.

For example I usually swap sugar for coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey, or dates. Instead of processed flour I’ll swap for coconut flour, almond flour, whole wheat flour, etc. 

So in this blog I wanted to share with you a few healthified cookies I’ve tried over the years and love, and a few that I want to try this year! Click here to see what they all look like!

Cookies I’ve tried and love:

Paleo Snickerdoodles

Christmas Cranberry PB Blossoms

Cashew Butter Cookie Bites

Pumpkin Cheesecake - not a cookie I now, but the one of our holiday favorites! So easy, and so delicious especially with some coconut milk cool whip

Paleo Gingerbread

Healthified cookies I want to try:

Paleo Maple Pecan Cookies

Flourless PB Blossoms

Death by Chocolate Peppermint

Soft Ginger Cookies with Lemon Icing

Italian Chocolate Orange Cookies with Orange Icing

Okay that’s it my friends! Don’t forget to let me know which ones you try and which ones you like the best! 

P.S. this is not at all me saying don’t eat the processed cookies, definitely do! Especially for the sake of tradition and memories. Healthified cookies are just a tool to help you feel your best!


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