50 Ideas For A Happier New Year!

You can click the image above to shop this look!

You can click the image above to shop this look!

I don’t know what it is, but I just love lists. Do you? I love these types of posts, so I thought why not throw one together to create a happier 2021 together.

This list was created with the intention that you could come back to refer to it when you’re bored, having a bad day, or going through a slump. Take a few that stand out to you now to put into your normal routine, and revisit when you need a little pick me up!

I’d love to hear what you’d add to this list! Leave me a comment below! 

  1. Donate clothes you don’t wear to charity 

  2. Start a *real* skincare routine 

  3. Start a hair care routine 

  4. Create a cleaning schedule (daily and weekly)

  5. Declutter one room per month until you’re clutter free!

  6. Read more fiction 

  7. Have one goal to work at per month 

  8. Find a physical goal - like starting a new sport or running a marathon

  9. Remember, if it doesn’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it 

  10. Learn about your hormones and try to work *with* your body 

  11. Discover your own personal fashion and style 

  12. Make space for doing *nothing* without the guilt of feeling unproductive 

  13. Make a travel wish list spreadsheet full with hotels, restaurants, and activities you’d like 

  14. Find a new hobby - cliche, but a gem

  15. Start an evening journaling routine to look back on your day 

  16. Call your friends instead of text 

  17. Every time you let someone else’s opinion effect you, say a prayer and ask for confidence 

  18. Make a vision board 

  19. Start a passion project

  20. Redecorate your office/bedroom/living room 

  21. Cook and bake more from scratch 

  22. Try eating plant based for a week 

  23. Begin the morning with a tidy-up around the house 

  24. Make your bed ;) 

  25. Go on creative dates - I love the adventure challenge couples edition 

  26. Turn off your while at mealtime 

  27. Make a “memories” note in your phone and try to add to it weekly 

  28. Volunteer 

  29. Read 10 minutes of a self improvement book every morning 

  30. Start a bullet journal 

  31. “Get ready” every weekday 

  32. Spend one day per month completely off of social media 

  33. Read a devotional 

  34. Start a morning routine 

  35. Have a morning warm drink ritual 

  36. Ask your grandparents and parents about their childhood you don’t yet know about 

  37. Clean out your closet once per quarter 

  38. Look into the perks of any credit cards you may have for extra savings. 

  39. Plan special traditions for every holiday, even small ones! 

  40. Create an afternoon pick me up break with a podcast, warm drink, or a walk 

  41. Actually believe in yourself and your goals - take action!

  42. If you had the most perfect year, what would that be? Now make an action plan to make it happen! 

  43. Make a “happiness” playlist

  44. Pay it forward once per week 

  45. Pay for the person in the drive through behind you 

  46. Use an essential oil diffuser around the house 

  47. Take a class about something that just sounds fun to you 

  48. Take more pictures 

  49. Ask yourself if you’re having a bad day or if it was just a bad moment 

  50. Create a mid-week happiness routine - like game night, trivia night, or date night! 

P.S. you can click here to shop everything in the photo above :)


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