Episode 44: Husband Is Back! 5 Tips For Reintegration After Long Distance


Diana and Tyler are back together for another episode together. Back in the Long Distance Love episode they mentioned doing an episode about reintegration after having done it themselves.  Well, here it is friends! After spending 3 months apart they are back into the reintegration phase and they're taking you through it with them. From expectations, to intimacy, to making your relationship even better than it was, they're getting into it all. For a more detailed look into the show here is a minute by minute breakdown of the show:

1 - 5 Welcome back husband!
5 - 10 Our peaks and pits of the week.
10 - 12 The topic of the day: our tips for reintegration .
12 - 17 Make the mental shift early & how husband/wife think about it differently.
17 - 21 The process begins while youโ€™re apart.
21 - 27 Time to get shmexualโ€ฆthe love languages.
27 - 32 Setting aside time alone.
32 - 41 Patience and making your relationship even better than it was before.
41 - Value of the week

Chlorophyll Drops

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Episode 45: Q&A With Husband: Life Without The Military, Faithful Marriage, Dealing With Hard Conversations, Who And What Inspires Us, And More!


Episode 43: Korea Me Is Back! And 5 Ways I Show Up For Myself In This Lifestyle