Episode 41: Make Love Cool Again


Diana is solo today for an open minded brainstorm about showing love lately. She begins with her peaks and pits of the week of course, ranging from getting things done, to skincare, to fall, and everything in between. She then dives into some red flags she's been seeing regarding the topic and things we can do to start changing them. For a more detailed description here is a minute by minute breakdown of the show:

1 - 11 My meditation this morning was magical. The peaks and pits of the week : hello fall, just do the things youโ€™ve been procrastinating, snail mucin, my Amazon storefront, and pitty pits.
11 - 23 The topic of the day: making love cool again.
23 - 32 Ideas to start changing things around the subject.
32 - 34 Value of the week: Magnesium before bed

This is the magnesium I've been loving.
My new Amazon storefront

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