Episode 34: Emily Fazzini Rushton On Everything You Need To Know To Buy, Decorate, And Rent Out A Home


Diana is joined today by Emily Fazzini Rushton, a Philadelphia based realtor. The two have followed each other since Diana moved to Italy, and Emily got married in Lake Como. Emily is a successful realtor specializing in first time home buyers. Given that Diana is going to be buying her first home in the next few months, they get into EVERYTHING. Emily's pillars of buying a home, the not so obvious things to look out for before purchasing your home, what to focus on if you're planning to rent it out in the future, how to decorate (and on a budget) to increase resale value, and so much more. For a more detailed look into the episode here is a minute by minute breakdown of the show:

1 - 12 Welcome Emily to the podcast! Emilyโ€™s wedding in Lake Como, and our peaks and pits of the week.
12 - 26 Emilyโ€™s pathway to real estate.
26 - 37 How to find the right realtor for you, we're getting specific!
37 - 41 Pillars of buying a home that you need to remember.
41 - 48 Things we should look out for in buying a home outside of the average โ€œ2-3 bedrooms, lots of light etc," what are the unique things we need to look out for?
48 - 52 Tips if you know youโ€™re going to eventually rent out your home.
52 - 1:01 Tips on how to prevent rental horror stories.
1:01 - 1:05 The importance of staging a home for resale value.
1:05 - 1:15 Where do you find your home inspiration? Design resources for a range of budgets.
1:15 - 1:19 Value of the week

Follow Emily on Instagram here
Work with Emily here
Bigger Pockets real estate investing resource
Havenly Design Experts
The Expert Design Experts 

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