Episode 10: Getting Out Of My "I'm So Tired" Funk


This week Diana dives into her peaks and pits of the week, what she's doing to end her hiatus with feeling super tired and out of whack since the move, and ends with a beautiful piece of relationship advice she recently hear and needs to share with the world. For an in depth look at the episode here is a minute by minute breakdown of the episode:
1 - 18 peak and pit of the week 
18 - 24 getting out of my โ€œIโ€™m so tiredโ€ funk. Why Iโ€™m in this tired funk and how to figure it out for yourself. 
24 - 41 what Iโ€™m doing to get my energy back. 
Nutrition - vibrant and radiant food, protein and fiber, gut health, morning greens, limiting caffeine, hydration daily goal & supplement. 
More movement
Morning routines
Social battery
Sleep hygiene. 
41 - 46 value of the week 

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